Colditz Travel
Colditz Hotel Pension
Colditz Tours
Colditz Castle
Colditz Gliders
Podelwitz Castle
The Great Escape
Getting to Colditz
Colditz Preservation Society
The latter days


Colditz Castle Outer Entrance

Schloss Colditz or Oflag IVc - probably the best known of the POW camps of WW2.

It is situated on the edge of town on a hill of rock, and was said to be the most secure of the prisons with high walls and long drops.

Your tour will include stories of daring and outmost cheek, you will see items such as a wooden type writer, a hidden radio and many other incredible inventions that enabled allied communication and escape bids to succeed.

You will see the parade ground and go inside buildings to see evidence of tunnels and artifacts left behind.

Inner Courtyard Chapel

There are also many momentos and donated items on display in different areas.

Gift shop situated at entrance.

Escorted and self guided tours are available at the Castle, and will endeavour to provide something different for the returning guests. Entrance to Colditz Castle is normally always available. Extended Tours are available but the extent of the tour will depend on the available areas. The Castle has undergone restoration to bring it back to a similar condition as in the 16th Century. Parts have been removed and wings turned into a Youth Hostel and a Music School that opened June 2010.

Castle 2006 Youth Hostel

At present the inner courtyard though restored, is to be left as is - preserving the prisoner of war history and retelling of the story of Colditz.
The Chapel was fully restored ready for the 70th anniversary of the Allied liberation of the Castle, as was the Glider loft. There is on-going work to the officers accommodation.

Admission times, prices and further information are available on the Colditz Castle website:

For Hotel information:

Manager Ralf Gorny

Tel. 0049 (0) 34381 53363


Last update 19/03/2023 © 2005

